Top 10k strings from Advanced Milkfloat Simulator, The (1998)(Stuart Brady).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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  14 8888888888888
   7 ;"bottles";
   4 bottles = 0
   3 ;"              ----"
   2 y(house)=1
   2 bottles = 1
   2 ;"the milkfloat"
   2 ;"south: ";
   2 ;"north: ";
   2 ;"*hell*";
   2 ; " would            you want to do that???"
   2 "You get out of your milkfloat,"'"and walk up to number ";house;"'s door"'"step."
   1 ypos = ypos - 1
   1 ypos = ypos + 1
   1 y(house)= 0
   1 xpos=xpos - 1
   1 xpos=xpos + 1
   1 x(house)=1
   1 x(house)=0
   1 x(house)= 1
   1 x(house) = 1
   1 x(house) = 0
   1 p$="south"
   1 p$="score"
   1 p$="north"
   1 p$="inventory"
   1 p$="get milk"
   1 p$="get bottles"
   1 p$="exits"
   1 p$="drop milk"
   1 p$="drop bottles"
   1 p$ = "drop 27"
   1 delivered = delivered + 1
   1 delivered = 28
   1 delivered = 27
   1 collected=collected+1
   1 collected = 28
   1 collected = 27
   1 Y(house)=1
   1 Y(house)=0
   1 X(house)=1
   1 Milkfloat .#
   1 Milk_prog 1
   1 Milk_piccy
   1 DELIVERED = 0
   1 COLLECTED = 0
   1 BOTTLES = 0
   1 ;"west:  ";
   1 ;"number ";1
   1 ;"number "; 2
   1 ;"into your crate.":
   1 ;"further up the street"
   1 ;"further down the street"
   1 ;"east:  ";
   1 ;"bottles"'
   1 ;"bottles"
   1 ;"Press any key to continue...";
   1 ;"Milkfloat Sim>";
   1 ;"Bottles";
   1 ;"."'"Go back to your milkfloat.":
   1 ;". Do you honestly"'"expect to be able to carry more?":
   1 ;"--------------------------------"
   1 ;" to this"'"house, why would you want to"'"take it?":
   1 ;" to 28 houses. On to the"'"next road..."
   1 ;" from this house.":
   1 ;" empty milk ";
   1 ;" down by"'"number "; house; "'s doorstep.":
   1 ;" [delivered]"
   1 ;" This is supposed to be crap -"'"           not buggy."'"  If you find any bugs, or you"'"  have any suggestions, please"'"           email me."
   1 ;" :";collected;"/28":
   1 ;"  [email protected]"''"    Programmed for the 1998,"'"       comp.sys.sinclair"'"    crap games competition."
   1 ;"    :";delivered;"/28"'
   1 ; "milk" ;
   1 ; " pints of ";
   1 ; "     Press any key to reset"
   1 9988LL888L99
   1 9988888889
   1 998888888889
   1 9888888888888
   1 8888888888889
   1 '"to this house.":
   1 '"WELL DONE!"'"----------"''"You have sucesfully delivered"'
   1 ' "I'm not aiming to beat the"'"Advanced Lawnmower Simulator in"'"terms of crapness, but hey! -"'"It's still CRAP! (in a funky"'"skillo sort of way)"
   1 "get what?":
   1 "drop what?":
   1 "You take some ";
   1 "You take ";
   1 "You see here..."
   1 "You put the empty milk ";
   1 "You put ";
   1 "You have delivered ";
   1 "You have already delivered ";
   1 "You have already collected empty"'
   1 "You go south.":
   1 "You go north.":
   1 "You drive west." :
   1 "You drive east." :
   1 "You cannot go west.":
   1 "You cannot go south.":
   1 "You cannot go north.":
   1 "You cannot go east.":
   1 "You are standing on the doorstep"'"of number ";house
   1 "You are sitting down in your"'"milkfloat. You can see houses to"'"the north and south, and a large"'"crate of milk in your milkfloat."
   1 "You are not carrying any empty"'"milk ";
   1 "You are not carrying any ";
   1 "You are in your milkfloat - why"'"would you want to drop the ";
   1 "You are carrying..."
   1 "You are already carrying some"'"empty ";
   1 "You are already carrying some"'
   1 "You are a milkman, so it is your  job to deliver milk; you can    work the rest out yourself..."
   1 "Why would you want to deliver"'"empty milk ";
   1 "Why would you want do deliver"'"empty milk ";
   1 "What now? ";
   1 "There is no milk here. Go back"'"to your milkfloat if you need to"'"get some.":
   1 "The commands are:"''"n/north = walk north"'"s/south = walk south"'" e/east = drive east"'" w/west = drive west"'"    get = get <object>"'"   drop = deviver <object>"'"   look = look around"'"    inv = inventory listing"'"   help = look at these commands"'"  exits = display exits"'"   quit = quit the advanced milk          -float simulator, but           why the ";
   1 "The commands are:"''"n/north = walk north"'"s/south = walk south"'" e/east = drive east"'" w/west = drive west"'"    get = get <object>"'"   drop = deviver <object>"'"   look = look around"'"    inv = inventory listing"'"   help = look at these commands"'"  exits = display exits"'"    cls = clear screen"'"  score = display score"'""'"   quit = quit the advanced milk          -float simulator, but           why the ";
   1 "THE ADVANCED MILKFLOAT SIMULATOR"'"--------------------------------"'"  COPYRIGHT 1998, Stuart Brady"
   1 "Some empty milk ";
   1 "Some empty ";
   1 "Pardon? Type help for a list of"'"commands.":
   1 "Obvious exits are..."
   1 "Nothing":
   1 "Milkfloat"
   1 "Milk_piccy"
   1 "Hey! You've found the cheat -"'"only one more house to go!":
   1 "A crate of ";
   1 "  COPYRIGHT 1998, Stuart Brady":
   1 "       No rights reserved"
   1 "        Proudly Presents:"
   1 "          Stuart Brady"